Management Information


Assalamu Alaikum,

It is indeed a great pleasure and honor for me to welcome you at Alif Manufacturing Company Ltd.  (Previous CMC-Kamal Textile Mills Ltd.) It is also a great privilege for me to place before you overview of the company.

Last year (2016-17) was very remarkable year for business. GDP growth was over 7% – a very remarkable progress for the country. Inflation was well managed under 6%. All other economic indicators indicated that the country is in continuous good pace. On the other hand, country’s political condition was very stable during that period. As a result, country’s business operations were directly benefitted from such good economic and stable political condition. I expect, such a remarkable progress of the country as well as the business environment will also continue in the upcoming years.

I sincerely believe that good governance is very vital for success and improvement for the company. I also glad to report that the company has an audit committee which regularly reviews the financial transaction. The management is fully aware of risk factors of the economy and the industry as well and takes measures to address risk. The company has also internal financial control system that gives reasonable measures to the Board of Directors for their guidance.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of Board of Directors and express my deepest appreciation to all our valued shareholder, customers, and clients, well-wishers for their heartiest support and interest for the betterment of the company. I sincerely hope that the same support would continue in the future to come.

With best Wishes

Md. Azimul Islam



  • Md. Azizul Islam, Chairman:

Mr. Md. Azizul Islam has a reputation to be a Commercially Important Person (CIP) for the last 19 years. He is the honorable chairman of Alif Group that has been awarded the National Export Trophy Gold for 4 years being the highest exporters by the Bangladesh Export promotion Bureau. He has been operating on of the largest export oriented business in the country since 1984.

  • Md. Azimul Islam, Managing Director:

Mr. Md. Azimul Islam obtained his MBA from USA. He is also the Managing Director of Alif Group, and the honorable Chairman of Alif SSL Sports Holdings Ltd (A concern of Alif Group). Sylhet Superstars is a franchise cricket team of The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) operated by Alif SSL Sports Holdings Ltd. He started in career in yarn manufacturing and export oriented business since 2009.

  • Lutfun Nessa Islam, Director:

Mrs. Lutfun Nessa Islam is a director of Alif Group. She has completed her B.A (Hon’s) and M.A with an outstanding result being first class first. She is the wife of the honorable chairman of Alif Group.

  • Lubna Islam, Nominated Director:

Dr. Lubna Islam is the eldest daughter of Mr. Azizul Islam, honorable chairman of the Alif Group. Dr. Lubna Islam is an MBBS doctor by profession. She has also completed her MBA.

  • Nabila Salam, Nominated Director:

Mrs. Nabila Salam has completed O’ levels from Scholastica and then she went to University College of London (UCL) for pursuing higher studies, completed graduation on economics and statistics as major. She came back to country in 2008. Worked in HSBC and Green Delta Insurance. She represents in the board of directors of also Alif Group concerns. Travelled more than 25 countries worldwide with great exposure to international culture and business trade. Also have keen interest in retail business and development. Mrs. Nabila Salam is married to Mr. Azimul Islam, Managing Director of Alif Group.

  • Rezwana Islam, Nominated Director:

Mrs. Rezwana Islam is the youngest daughter of Mr. Azizul Islam, honorable chairman of the Alif Group. She has completed her MBA from USA.

  • Niaz Morshed, Nominated Director:

Mr. Niaz Morshed completed MBA (Finance) from IIUC and obtained the Chancellor Award (Gold Medal). He started his professional career from industry and then worked at IT, Media, Power Sector & Textile Industry. He has the expertise in operation and business development.

  • Md. Rafiqul Islam, Nominated Director:

Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam completed the Masters in Accounting from the Rajshahi University. He started his professional career from 1992 in the Garments Industry. He is expert in Business Accounting and Management Development.

  • Golam Mustafa- Independent Director, Independent Director:

Mr. Golam Mustafa has completed MBA from Dhaka University. He started his professional career from Dhaka Bank Limited– Bangladesh. Subsequently, worked for ICB Islamic Bank Limited-Bangladesh, IDLC finance Limited- Bangladesh and joined in Garments Industries in 2015. He is expert in business accounting and management development and his leadership capabilities contributing greatly to the company.

  • Md. Shafiqual Islam, Independent Director:

Mr. Md. Shafiqual Islam completed the LLB (Hon’s) and LLM from Rajshahi University. He started his professional career from 1991 in the garments industry. He is expert in administrative and commercial business operation.

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